Policy Changes 2024

Please read on for details concerning policy changes on LOOSE CHALK, WINTER BOOTS, and YOUTH SUPERVISION. Changes effective Jan 1st, 2024.

Loose chalk is no longer permitted

Like many climbing gyms, we are instituting a ban on loose chalk.

We can also refill your chalk ball! Please do not refill it in your cubby or in the washrooms.


Chalk dust pollutes the air, coats every surface of our facility, and causes damage to our equipment. Loose chalk greatly accelerates this process and is frequently spilled by climbers in cubbies and on the floor. Also, loose chalk encourages climbers to be wasteful and use more chalk which rapidly gunks up our holds.

What is permitted?

1) Powder chalk is permitted inside a purpose-built chalk ball/bomb/sock which must be contained in an appropriate chalk bag/bucket. Keep the chalk ball inside the bag/bucket when chalking-up. No loose chalk is permitted inside of your chalk bag, even if there is also a chalk ball or Chalktopus in your bag.

2) Liquid chalk is also permitted. It is clean and it lasts a long time. Only use a little at a time - a pea-sized amount is all you need. Too much liquid chalk produces a paste on our holds.

Will this dampen your climbing performance?

No! Chalk is a tool to manage sweat and ameliorate friction. Loose chalk has no discernable performance advantage over other chalk. If you want better performance as it relates to friction, we recommend brushing holds (especially slopers) and using skincare products for climbers (see our Rhino Skin catalogue at our front desk).

winter boots go ON the Rack

During the winter season, outdoor footwear must be removed prior to entering the climbing and training areas. Place them on our shiny new boot rack next to our front desk.


We want to keep our gym floor clean and dry during the winter season. We also do not want any salt or wetness to track onto our beloved pads.

Pro Tip: It is common to wear flip flops, sandals, or Crocs in climbing gyms when going to the washrooms or commuting off the pads.

Youth Supervision reinforced

While no changes are being made to our youth rules, we will be reinforcing our youth supervision standards.

1) Supervisors are required to be present in the climbing area to supervise children aged 6-12. Sometimes supervising from the bar counter is permitted with older children during slow traffic times.

2) Proper supervisor to climber ratios are required at all times. Supervision ratios are 1:1 for 6-8 year old climbers and 1:2 for 9-12 year old climbers.


We have been making many exceptions to our youth supervision rules. These exceptions have led us to have considerable safety concerns.

Managing bouldering safety and navigating the climbing area is challenging for youth - particularly those aged 6-9. As developing children aren’t as capable of grasping the contents of the orientation, it is essential to have a supervising adult who has completed the orientation themselves.

Note that exceptions are granted to those with an approved Trusted Youth Pass. See our Youth Climbing page for more details.